What is Umbrella?
Umbrella Companies have been around for a long time now and they are invaluable in providing contractors, consultants and freelancers with a hassle-free, compliant and profitable alternative to setting-up and running your own limited company.
The Uber Payroll Umbrella Company solution involves considerably less paperwork and general admin than either running your own Limited Company or working through many alternative Umbrella Companies due to the cutting edge web portal we use to manage your account 24/7.
Working for an umbrella company means you get most of the benefits of self-employment without all of the extra hassle
As an umbrella company, Uber Payroll is an organisation that employs temporary workers and enables them to carry out a number of short-term contracts for agencies and end-clients.
For a flat weekly margin we will take care of your payroll and other administration, leaving you with more time to concentrate on the work that really matters.
Once you’ve signed up you effectively become an employee of You will have an employment contract and benefit from all of the same employment rights as other permanent employees.
You will be able to carry out multiple short-term contracts with less overall risk.
At Uber Payroll we provide our employees with a number of important services, including:
Collecting payments from agencies on your behalf
Helping you claim allowable business expenses
Processing your payslip and making sure you get paid on time
Keeping you compliant with the latest tax regulation updates and the HMRC
Umbrella employees can come from a broad range of sectors including: Construction, Transport/logistics, Engineering, IT and telecoms, Health and social care, Education and legal.
Why have I been referred here by an employment agency?
Many employment agencies like to use professional services companies like Uber Payroll because it makes it easier to manage temporary workers.
If you’ve been referred to us by an agency, then we will be acting as an intermediary between you and the agency (as well as any end-clients). Once you’ve carried out work for an
agency and filed your hours, we will bill them on your behalf. We’ll deduct the tax and other costs, passing the remainder on to you.
Alternatives to umbrella contracting
Umbrella companies are great for contractors who want to have a fully managed risk free payroll solution. But it’s not the best choice for everyone. If you choose to operate as a limited company, for example,
then you might be able to take advantage of more generous tax arrangements to boost your take home pay.
Call today and one of our experienced advisers can provide you with a personal comparative illustration to working either umbrella or operating your own limited company